Plough «Pflug»

Item number according to the museum receipts book:

ЭКМ 435


Plough «Pflug»


Mid 19th century

Place of manufacture

Village of Yagodnaya Polyana, Saratovsky Uezd, Saratov Governorate

Author, manufacturer


Wood, metal.

Manufacturing technique

Chopping, sawing, trimming, fitting, forging.

Dimensions: length, width, height or diameter (L, W, H, D)

Length is 242, width is 96, height is 85

Description of an artifact

Consists of a runner with a ploughshare and two handles; racks with a blade, drawbars with a wheel front. The cutter is lost. The drawbar is made of a thick log hewn to the front end, with an iron chain in the center. The front end consists of an axle with two wheels at the edges, the right wheel is slightly larger in diameter. An iron bar for attaching a drawbar with a log going to the draft force (horse) is in the center. The runner consists of a thick wooden bar with a contoured iron ploughshare at the lower end. The middle of the runner is connected to the drawbar by a rack made of thick oak timber. A small rectangular flat plank blade is located on the right side of the runner.

Source and date of receipt of the museum piece:

Expedition of 1926

Inventory number given the second stage (scientific description) of bookkeeping at the museum

Note. Information about analogues