Platband (upper fragment)

Item number according to the museum receipts book:

СМК 64810, СМК 64891


Platband (upper fragment)


Late 19th century.

Place of manufacture

Village of Berezovka, Novouzensky Uezd, Samara Governorate

Author, manufacturer


Metal, wood.

Manufacturing technique

Cutting, sawing, openwork sawn thread.

Dimensions: length, width, height or diameter (L, W, H, D)

L. – 140, H. – 41.

Description of an artifact

Zigzag of four linear segments with apex in the center. Of five rows of planks overlapping with a previous row. The bottom row is with deaf festoons at the bottom, the second and third with teeth, the fourth is straight, the fifth is an openwork made of complex interweaving of floral ornamentation.

Source and date of receipt of the museum piece:

Expedition of 1998.

Inventory number given the second stage (scientific description) of bookkeeping at the museum

Note. Information about analogues

Note. СМК 64 891. Lateral fragment of the platband. L. - 44, w. - 17. Part of the carved openwork: a complete analogy of СМК 64890.