Couch «Kuschetke», «Kuschetke-Kanapei»

Item number according to the museum receipts book:
СМК 5957
Couch «Kuschetke», «Kuschetke-Kanapei»
Late 19th century.
Place of manufacture
Village of Rovnoye, Novouzensky Uezd, Samara Governorate
Author, manufacturer
Manufacturing technique
Cutting, sawing, grinding, painting.
Dimensions: length, width, height or diameter (L, W, H, D)
L. – 156, W. – 67, H. – 90.
Description of an artifact
A burgundy wooden bench on low legs. The head end is in the form of a roller; at the opposite end, there are two posts with a crossbar. The sides and the bolster are painted with red and white roses and leaves combined into diamonds.
Source and date of receipt of the museum piece:
Expedition of 1920
Inventory number given the second stage (scientific description) of bookkeeping at the museum
Note. Information about analogues
Note. At EKM, there is a couch with chiseled legs and a U-shaped headboard from the 1995 expedition.