Spoon basket «Korbchen»

Item number according to the museum receipts book:

СМК 5718


Spoon basket «Korbchen»


Early 20th century

Place of manufacture

Village of Blumenfeld, Novouzensky District, Samara Province.

Author, manufacturer

M. SHrejner


Wood, cotton threads.

Manufacturing technique

Chopping, weaving, binding.

Dimensions: length, width, height or diameter (L, W, H, D)

L. – 28; Diameter – 20.

Description of an artifact

Cone-shaped, made of brown debarked willow twigs tied together at the lower ends. The upper ends, set apart, are braided with horizontal rods to a depth of 7 cm. From above. there is a loop of twine for hanging.

Source and date of receipt of the museum piece:

Expedition of 1920.

Inventory number given the second stage (scientific description) of bookkeeping at the museum

Note. Information about analogues