Hammered dulcimer, «Hackprett» - musical instrument

Item number according to the museum receipts book:

СМК 55745/1–5


Hammered dulcimer, «Hackprett» - musical instrument



Place of manufacture

Author, manufacturer


Wood, metal.

Manufacturing technique

Sawing, cutting, drilling, varnishing. Forging, stringing.

Dimensions: length, width, height or diameter (L, W, H, D)

L.1 – 98,5, L.2 – 71,5, W. – 46, H. – 7,5.

Description of an artifact

In the form of a low trapezoidal prism. Along the field, there are star-shaped holes and 14 rows of strings, 4 strings in each row; the ends of strings are attached to metal rods at the edges. In the center, there are two transverse baffles with through holes for strings. The set includes two pairs of willow mallet hammers with the end bent into a loop.

Source and date of receipt of the museum piece:

Expedition of 1992.

Inventory number given the second stage (scientific description) of bookkeeping at the museum

Note. Information about analogues